Purchase from Lucky Mojo
you Live in the Dallas Texas Area? Want to buy hoodoo supplies
near Dallas Texas? Then you can visit the shop any time.
Just remember to call ahead, and we'll be there to sell you the
rootwork, hoodoo or conjure supplies you need. A smile and
free consulting available with every sale!
Click here for Directions to
Dallas Hoodoo!
Lucky Mojo Brand condition and dressing oils are
made with pure essential oils, hoodoo roots, and magical herbs. Each
bottle has herbs or roots directly in the bottle. DO NOT be misled
by other oils that do not contain herbs in the bottle, you may very
well be purchasing nothing but colored liquid. These Magic Oils have
been a part of the
American Hoodoo Magic practice for hundreds of
years. DO NOT be taken in by modern fancy products that do not offer
Lucky Mojo Essential Oils have
a wide array of uses in magical and spiritual practice such as a
perfume, to anoint candles and to make your own ritual oils. On the
surface it may appear that un-cut pure essential oils are the best
route, but many pure essential oils are not skin safe, requiring you
to cut the oils yourself with a carrier oil such as almond or
coconut oil. In addition, the cost of purchasing even one ounce of
some pure essential oils can be cost prohibitive, and not everyone
needs a full ounce of a pure oil, or doesn’t stock carrier oils.
You may also run into the situation where the essential oil doesn’t
smell right because we have come to recognize the stronger synthetic
Lucky Mojo Skin
Safe Essential Oils have been pre-cut to be skin safe with almond
oil, the traditional oil used in hoodoo recipes. All
Lucky Mojo
essential oils contain pure essential oil extract, and some have had
a little synthetic perfume added to augment the smell. Use
Mojo Skin Safe Essential Oils RIGHT AWAY as a perfume, to anoint
your candles, or even blend immediately into your favorite ritual
Please read my guide
Making Your Own Hoodoo Oils
for free recipes.
Lucky Mojo Planetary oils have
many uses in magical practices. Traditionally magic is performed on
the certain days of the week for the associated magic, such as love
work on Friday and Money Drawing work on Thursday. When you need to
perform work on a day other then the corresponding day, you can
strengthen the work by using the correct planetary oil.
You can use planetary oils in conjunction with astrological
oils to more personalize a candle spell for an individual.
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of
Magical Herbs lists the
Planetary Rulers for the magical herbs; use these oils to
strengthen your work with those herbs.
Use these oils to anoint and charge magical talismans such
as the Seals of Solomon.
Lucky Mojo Planetary Oils are made with pure essential oils,
natural (not synthetic) carrier oils, and herbs right in the bottle
It is not a random coincidence that those who practice hoodoo are
known as Root Doctors. Herbs, roots, minerals, and animal curios are
a huge part of any Root Doctors practice, and you can make these
magical items work for you. Each of the
Lucky Mojo Herbs, Roots, and
Curios that we sell are specially selected by Granny Cat, many of
them grown in her own garden. Each package has a very special label
containing directions on how to use them in the contour method –
they are an education in
Southern Folk Magic practice themselves. If
you need
rare hoodoo roots, unusual animal curios, or wish to know
your herbs are fresh and magically charged with prayer, assure
yourself of quality –
Buy Lucky Mojo, accept no substitutes.
and resin Incense
There is not the slightest doubt that the censing of things and
persons was first practiced for acts of purification, and thus
become symbolic of consecration and finally of the sanctification of
the soul. The Egyptians understood the use of “incent”, as did the
priests of Persia, and the keepers of the holy relics of the church.
The bible says “Burn incense” and commands in Exodus 30:1, "Thou
shalt make an Altar to burn Incense on." Incense has been used as
sacrifice and as purifier, to draw in what is Good and Drive Away
what is Evil.
Those who believe in the use of the Psalms may wish to burn
Lucky Mojo incense and read the Psalms for various conditions. Why wait any
longer when these fine
Lucky Mojo self lighting “insense powders” can bring you
what you desire. We make no claim that these practices will affect
supernatural results, but sell these
fine self lighting incense
powders as a curio only.
The use of
Sachet powders is rich and varied. Those in the know
have used them for a multitude of conditions. We have been told that
you can place a little powder in a bag and tie around the neck or
place a little on the body each morning to help draw that and those
you desire to you. Put a little in the four corners of a room or on
your door step to help drive out unwanted influences.
Dress papers or petitions to help give you that “edge” or even
throw a bit at your enemies, their property or their tracks to bring
about unfavorable conditions on them.
Lucky Mojo sachets are preferred by some
to oils or perfumes, because there is no fear of using too much and
thus making the user appear “loud” or vulgar. We make no claims of
this, but sell these fine
Lucky Mojo Sachet Powders as a curio only.
baths, washes,
and bath crystals
Many people know of the importance of keeping their house and
place of business spiritually clean as well as the value of doing
the same for their daily items and surroundings. But far too often
folk over look themselves! How can you go out and about Sanctified,
Protected and Blessed, ready and expecting all the good things you
deserve when you yourself are still carrying an Evil Mess or an
Oppressive Condition on your very self! Those older folk who
remember know just how to get the right result with a
good old
fashion Spiritual Bath and we offer to you a fine selection of
Herbal Baths, Bath Crystals and Washes prepared the right way for
the right results. A little warm water, two candles and the Power of
Prayer and you’re good to go - Clean and Ready. We make no claims as
to the supremacy of Spiritual Baths in troubling matters and times
but merely report what we have been taught and sell these
beautifully blended baths as a curio only.
are a number of special items that are marketed at Lucky Mojo Curio
Co., that have a rather unique place among the various products.
These items traditionally come in larger bottles, the average being
4 oz. The most famous of these is
Chinese Wash, or Chinese Floor
Wash, a popular spiritual cleanser. Chinese Wash is closely
followed by
Special Oil #20, considered the best all around oil for
Hoodoo work, “if you have nothing else use #20”. The companion to
Special Oil #20 would be
7-11 Holy Type Oil, an all purpose dressing
and altar oil.
Then there are a few very popular
blends and perfumes:
Since ancient times, special vials of secret ingredients have
been mixed to make inks suitable for ritual work. Originally these
inks would have contained some of the blood for which they are
named, but in modern times that is no longer the case. To replace
that blood, unique scents and red color have been used to
re-coordinate these inks with the powers they need to posses in
order to work for you. Pure chunks of Dragon’s blood resin, the red
sap of a tree called the Dragon Palm is still used today to make
Dragon’s blood ink.
These specially formulated inks are of the highest quality, and
will work beautifully in either a fountain pen or metal nib pen,
traditionally a colored quill or feather pin would be used to
empower the rootwork, magic, or spirit workings even further.
It is for many
reasons that old-time root workers were often called root doctors or
conjure doctors. These experienced hoodoo practitioners
prescribed spells and mojo’s for their clients specific needs.
We at Black Cat Root Shack also offer this option to our clients.
However, as trained root doctors ourselves, we fully endorse the
Spell Kits from Lucky Mojo. Granny Cat is someone in whom we can
both rely on! Her spell kits contain all the necessary, and often
rare and expensive, items needed to address almost all conditions
you may look to attract or dispel for yourself.
If you are in need
of a root doctor to work on your behalf, fixing what ever you need
fixed, be sure to give us a call and we will discuss your case. But
if you have the intention and desire to work these spells for
yourself in your own home or business, please consider one of these
carefully selected
Lucky Mojo spell kits.
Additional kits
for many conditions available, both from Lucky Mojo and custom
prepared by your very own Black Cat Root Shack specialist.
One of the oldest and most traditional spells found in hoodoo is
honey jar, or sweetening spell. In its simplest form the spell
involves the use of honey in a container, to which name papers,
personal concerns and herbs are added. The jar is then left to sit
and “sweeten” the two people to each other. Variations on the honey
jar include the use of sugar boxes and other types of liquid or
granular sweeteners. Traditionally a candle, dressed with oil, is
burned on the top of the honey jar every week until the desired
result comes true.
Lucky Mojo honey jars are made with premium
honey, the correct blend of herbs, a bottle of oil, a candle to
start the work, a small candle holder, and instructions.
There are many
kinds of bottle spells that have been used all around the world
through out the practice of magic. Traditional European bottle
spells were called
Witch Bottles and were primarily used to keep
witches and other nasty people or spirits from entering your home.
Hoodoo uses Bottles for a wider variety of spell work, the most
famous of these the
Break Up bottle spell, which contains needles,
pins and nails to cause a couple to fight like cats and dogs. Use
bottle spells for luck, money and prosperity drawing, to keep your
lover close and passionate, or to control and dominate a boss or
We sell empty
bottle spells from
Lucky Mojo Curio Company because they are
beautifully hand painted with a little picture carefully attached
inside the bottle. If you would like your bottle spell fixed by
Black Cat Root Shack with the herbs required for you condition or
need, we charge an extra $3 for this service and ship the bottle
spell to you ready to go. ALL bottle spells come packaged with
complete instructions.
Since 1808,
Lanman and Kemp has been making soaps and perfumes
from their home town of New York City. One of the first products
introduced was
Murray and Lanman Florida Water. Florida Water
immediately gain popularity and approval from the consumer and
became a worldwide, well-known cologne, not only because of it's
delightful fragrance but also because of the more than twenty uses
attributed to it – including its firm place in the practice of rootwork, conjure and hoodoo. Lanman & Kemp sell not only Florida
Water, but
Florida Water soap and a selection of other soaps
available to you in our store.
Licorne is a family owned and operated Belgium business producing
some of the finest pendulums in the known world. Each
pendulum is
designed and made in their workshop, by a family who have spent
generations studying parapsychology. The pendulums are made only of
the finest and highest quality brass, copper and hand-selected
stones. Most of the pendulums are then coated with pure gold or
Palladium is a member of the Platinum Group Metals. Palladium is
a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal that was discovered in 1803
by William Hyde Wollaston, who named it palladium after the asteroid
Pallas, which in turn, was named after the epithet of the Greek
goddess Athena, acquired by her when she slew Pallas.
The market is flooded with cheap $10 pendulums produced in China
or India and available to thousands of wholesalers for a dollar or
two. If you've not had the opportunity to work with a hand crafted,
high quality divination tool like this before, you're in for a rare
treat. We are proud to offer these quality
magical pendulums to the public.